The Twin Dragons Tournament is one of the most anticipated martial arts events in Colorado in 2013. This event follows up to the White Tiger Championships, which was held in April 2012 and was the largest Olympic Style Tournament held in Colorado in 2012.
Competitors won medals with magnetic sides which attach to other medals in order to form one ‘super medal.’ The Twin Dragons Tournament will provide the opportunity to earn the 2nd piece of the medal.
More details will come as the event draws closer, but for now we plan to have ‘ultimate division’ where competitors of any age, rank, and gender can enter. The winners of these divisions will earn $100 prizes ($50 cash + $50 discount on the 2014 Lone Wolf Classic Entry Fee). We also plan to offer embroidered black belts to winners of the black belt divisions, as well as championship belts to the 4 grand champion winners. Winners of grappling divisions will face a winner of a higher or lower division to win a katana sword.
The home school for the tournament is Championship Karate and Taekwondo (CKTKD), Littleton CO’s branch of the Korean Academy of Taekwondo.
The tournament will be March 23rd, 2013 in the spacious gym at Metro State College of Denver. More information and registration (coming soon) can be found on the official tournament page.