(Aurora, CO) – Thirty five years is a long time in any business, let alone the martial arts business. It’s been estimated that half of all small businesses fail in the first five years, and the rate among “lifestyle” businesses like martial arts schools is likely significantly higher. The Korean Academy of Taekwondo wasn’t the first martial arts school in Aurora, CO, but it is now the oldest school that has survived.
The school celebrated 35 years with a special class from Master Ghassan Timani, the second owner of the business. He talked about conditions that were common during the opening in 1980 when the first owner, Grandmaster J.K. Chung founded the school- tile floors that became slippery when wet, no heat or AC despite the temperature outside, and cement for doing knuckle pushups. Times have changed, and the school now boasts a state of the art facility with multiple types of mats, electronic kicking pads, human shaped kicking bags, and a full multimedia system. The following video highlighted some of the events of the last 35 years.
Following the class was the 2nd annual paddleball championships, once again won by the team lead by Master Bill Pottle, the 3rd and current owner. It was a great way to end the day. The Korean Academy of Taekwondo would like to thank the thousands of students throughout the years that have enabled it to reach a milestone that few companies ever accomplish. The school has now grown into a network that will give the school the growth and resiliency that it needs to achieve another 35 successful years serving the community in Aurora and beyond.